By Staggerlee Phillips
Adult Acne Bad Skin Acne Treatment - 30 Acne Related Questions You May Get From Your Dermatologist
1) How long have you had acne? It is may be less than a month, several months, a year or more than a year.
2) What is the type of your skin (especially face)? It is may be normal, oily, dry, sensitive (easily irritated) or combination (oily and dry).
3) How often do you experience acne breakouts? Is it daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly or other?
4) Where do you normally experience acne breakouts? Is it on the face, chest, back, neck, shoulders or other places?
5) How would you describe your acne? Is it mild (few whiteheads and blackheads), moderate (many red pimples, whiteheads or blackheads) or severe (lots of red pimples that may be large and deep and associated with scarring)?
6) How often do you wash your face? Is it once a day, 1 – 2 times a day, 3 – 4 times a day, 4 – 5 times a day or not at all?
7) Do you scrub your face? Is it yes (frequently), sometimes or not at all?
8) Do you use moisturizer? Just answer yes or no.
9) What products do you use to clean your face? Is it facial cleanser, astringent, facial scrub, regular soap, body wash, toner or other? We recommend you to bring the products along when you visit your dermatologist.
10) How often do you use sunscreen? Is it daily, never or only when you know you will be in the sun?
11) Do you use or have you tried any over the counter (OTC) acne medications? You may answer yes, no or sometimes.
12) If yes, which OTC products do you use or have you tried. Please list all that apply.
13) Has your skin shown improvement with those products? You may answer yes, there has been improvement; or yes, but my skin continues to breakout; or no, there has been no improvement.
14) Have you ever used a prescription acne medication? Just answer yes or no.
15) Are you currently using a prescription acne medication? Just answer yes or no.
16) If yes, please list all prescription acne medications have you tried in the past or currently using.
17) Have you seen any improvements with any of those prescription acne medications? You may answer yes, or no, or sometimes improvement.
18) Did your parents have acne when they were at your age? Just answer yes, or no, or I do not know (if you really do not know).
19) Do you pick or squeeze your pimples? Just answer yes or no.
20) Does your acne leave your skin discolored? Just answer yes or no.
21) Do you go to tanning salons? Just answer yes or no.
22) Do you allergic to any medicines? If yes, please state.
23) Are you currently taking any medications? If yes, please state.
24) What hair products do you use?
25) How often do you shampoo? Daily? Weekly? Or 2 – 3 times a week?
Questions number 26 – 28 are for girls only:
26) Do you wear makeup? You may answer always, sometimes or never.
27) Describe your menstrual period. Is it normal or irregular?
28) Do you notice an increase in your acne breakouts around your menstrual period? You may answer always, sometimes or never.
Questions number 29 – 30 are for boys only:
29) Do you shave? You may answer yes, no or sometimes.
30) What kind of razor do you use? Is it safety razor, electric razor, regular razor or other?
There you have it – 30 questions you need to prepare before your next visit to your dermatologist. With all these questions, they will certainly assist your dermatologist in choosing the right adult acne bad skin acne treatment for you.